







1、Good morning.my admirable teacher and my dear fellows.My name is Qing Cheng and I’m in my 17 years old.I graduated from theTianTaoMiddle school.which is one of the best middle schools in my city.Its campus is as beautiful as ours.My favorite subject is math.because it’s a complicated subject that drives a lot of students crazy.But I am a student who likes challenges and I can feel great achievement when I solve a math problem.Besides.I like various extra curricular activities.because they can bring me a colorful life.In my opinion.study is just a part of our life.so that we should not be constrained by it.The most important is that I am happy to be a classmate of you.I hope we can study as well as play together。
导读1、Good morning.my admirable teacher and my dear fellows.My name is Qing Cheng and I’m in my 17 years old.I graduated from theTianTaoMiddle school.which is one of the best middle schools in my city.Its campus is as beautiful as ours.My favorite subject is math.because it’s a complicated subject that drives a lot of students crazy.But I am a student who likes challenges and I can feel great achievement when I solve a math problem.Besides.I like various extra curricular activities.because they can bring me a colorful life.In my opinion.study is just a part of our life.so that we should not be constrained by it.The most important is that I am happy to be a classmate of you.I hope we can study as well as play together。

1、Good morning, my admirable teacher and my dear fellows. My name is Qing Cheng and I’m in my 17 years old. I graduated from theTianTaoMiddle school, which is one of the best middle schools in my city. Its campus is as beautiful as ours. My favorite subject is math, because it’s a complicated subject that drives a lot of students crazy. But I am a student who likes challenges and I can feel great achievement when I solve a math problem. Besides, I like various extra curricular activities, because they can bring me a colorful life. In my opinion, study is just a part of our life, so that we should not be constrained by it. The most important is that I am happy to be a classmate of you. I hope we can study as well as play together。




1、Good morning.my admirable teacher and my dear fellows.My name is Qing Cheng and I’m in my 17 years old.I graduated from theTianTaoMiddle school.which is one of the best middle schools in my city.Its campus is as beautiful as ours.My favorite subject is math.because it’s a complicated subject that drives a lot of students crazy.But I am a student who likes challenges and I can feel great achievement when I solve a math problem.Besides.I like various extra curricular activities.because they can bring me a colorful life.In my opinion.study is just a part of our life.so that we should not be constrained by it.The most important is that I am happy to be a classmate of you.I hope we can study as well as play together。
骆驼和羊这篇寓言告诉我们什么 天津当代画家有哪些 歌丽姬宝素颜霜怎么样 有些单位里的劳资部门是干什么的 什么是绝对误差相对误差 k296车次有充电的地方吗 怎么看出是否是正品匡威 生漆和烫蜡的区别是什么 泰安技术学院都有什么专业 胡仙是什么 奥迪车Q7能加多少机油 民办高中算是普通高中吗 广州大学市政技术学院怎么样 互联网是谁发明的 长沙到株洲拼车电话是多少 如何使变软的爆米花再次变脆 浴室风暖怎么使用 哈尔滨怎么办理暂住证 网商贷和借呗的区别是什么 有效质量的定义 披萨冷发配方 农业用电电毫是多少 什么是偏光镜它有什么作用呀 三国演义黄忠斩夏侯渊是第几回 b2几年后能增a2 喝酒后是不是不宜吃饺子 毛孔粗大有哪些改善方法 3DM和游侠哪个好 简单的家庭尖椒肥肠的做法 盈利性艺术培训班属于哪个部门管 丝印字体如何擦除 冲冠一怒为红颜下一句是什么 学生为什么不能戴耳环啊 无线光猫还能不能连接无线路由器 230tsi和280tsi的区别是什么 世界三大硫酸钠盐湖是什么 不再相信爱情霸气的说说 体脂率16.6是什么水平 北湖区美食 什么什么潜心的成语