







元旦联欢晚会英语作文1。In January 1st.the new years day finally came.Before the new years day.our classmates arranged the program hard。
导读元旦联欢晚会英语作文1。In January 1st.the new years day finally came.Before the new years day.our classmates arranged the program hard。


In January 1st, the new years day finally came. Before the new years day, our classmates arranged the program hard.

On the evening of new years day, the school arranged for us to enter the hall and sit in order. The headmaster announced, "the new years party begins now." I only heard a thunderous noise from the table. After that, several female students stepped onto the stage. Suddenly, they heard cheers. In a flash, the lights in the hall disappeared, and the lights on the stage were lit up, twinkling and flashing, and their movements were glimpsing dazzled.

Next, a boy playing the electronic organ, the boy will be placed in the flower stage, unhurried he raised his hand, then press the keys, the music is very beautiful, I looked carefully, that boy is only eleven at the age of two, such a small age, who knows how much effort ah! And the program began, the show is our class little Li Duo - Flute performance. She doesnt talk much at ordinary times. I think shes going to be ugly this time. Im going to have a good look at how she blew it today.

He walked on stage, then blowing the flute flute on hand in by the chaos, blowing out of the beautiful sound, accurately speaking, this can not be said by the chaos, it is fast blow very good, very good then I watched her feet, her feet on the ground on a stand the beat is there, this time I know, she has a strong sense of you. This is, I began to observe his eyes and his eyes, always on the right side of the stand. I also looked at it. It turned out that it was Li Duos father, who was his father to cheer her up and give him courage.

There are so many programs that I havent described. There are so many features of the program. Let me open your eyes.

New years Eve brings us an eye opener. On the new years Eve, the performances of the students do not know how much time it has taken. In short, the purpose of the students is to show their talents on the new years Eve and make everyone happy. Im here to say to you, "Happy New Years day."


Today, its a day to celebrate, and well be here to finish the last party here, and finally in the classroom this year...

At the beginning, Wu Shixiao, Hao Kejie, Confucius, and Wang Zelong first said the opening words and began to perform.

The students are: The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea Gexianshentong, some magic, some singing, but I still love two pieces hit the wall and the neighbors.

On the wall is a bunch of women ah! Tavia Yeung Guo Yingzi, who starred in, Tavia Yeung started to make Guo yingzi hit the wall, the result of a local hit the water, a local Zachu electric, later want to hit a closet, the next king of Hanyu attracted, the original house next door also in the decoration, just do the closet, smashed. Then, a person came out again, after the later play, only to know that Tavia Yeung and Guo Yingzi were wrong!

Neighbor, is our boy star, Hou Zehua, Zhou Hangjian, Ji Xiao Xuan and others starring. Hou Zehua gave people showings, results are two neighbors Zhou Hangjian, Ji Xiaoxuan to recognized as a thief, then the owners, Luo Shengji came back, at the most critical time saved.

The party will open up a fresh outlook is generally, especially the last, casually over, this time with Liu Mingshuos auction, but in the end, several of us put the ribbon, a big banger party, but the class flower, dont you know that spray too hard, even a computer screen with it!

At the end of the party, we went back to our homes. This party is really fun!


"The bell of the new year will be ringing, and the wheel of time is left again... " The activity of "Celebrating the new year" in our class began.

The middle of the classroom is Wang Rouhan and I: two graceful bearing host.

Then the teacher Wang to New Year greetings: students, Hello, 20xx to pay us in cosco...... I wish the students a great success here.

Then we played the first game: robbing the bench. The prop has 4 stools. The rules are: 5 people to take part in, to grab 4 stools, not sitting on the stool people eliminated, and so on, and the final 2 people robbed 1 stools, win the winner!

The first choice is: Yang Xin, Zhao Peicheng, Zhang Hengjie and others. They stood in a row, waiting for the orders. "3, 2..." Command not finished, they kidnapped. "Foul!" the whole class shouted. They have to come back. I re issued the order "3, 2, 1..." Dont shout "GO", they kidnapped. The whole class was laughing again! They came back with a red face again. "Who will make a foul again?" Mr. Wang made a death order! I had no choice but to make another order "3, 2, 1..." GO! "The orders came out, but they were still indifferent!" ha ha ha... " The class once again set the whole room roaring with laughter. They were afraid of being eliminated, because I havent made orders! I am helpless, had to the "quiet, all the attention: 3, 2, 1, GO!" they finally heard a sudden, like a ferocious lion chased the deer into a general "deer", not only brave! Dont "hide" to "deer" lion Zhu Yuqi get disheartened left. The remaining 4 "lions" return to the starting point, ready to start to grab the 3 "Sika Deer". Again, they rushed to the "deer". This time, Zhang Hengjie failed. The rest of the game was more intense. In the final game, Yang Xin ran with the unbeatable race, sitting on the stool in a moment, making his opponent Lei Zhiqiang defeated and winning the final victory!

After that, we also played the game of "beating the drum" and so on, and the time passed in our laughter and laughter. Although we can not stop the passage of time, but in our hearts, there are some happy fragments, and our desire for the future. Because we believe that tomorrow is more wonderful!


In the coming year of the new years day of 20XX, the school leaders made a brilliant decision of — &mdash, a new years party in a class. When this exciting news came to our ears, all the teachers and students were dancing with excitement.

One week before the party was held, the students began to rehearse nervously. There are all kinds of programs to be prepared: singing, dancing, and sketches, crosstalk operas, … … On the night before the party, our class held a ceremony to elect a host of two men, two women and four hosts. The host was elected first is to speak Mandarin well, Lee Garden first was eliminated. I also participated in the campaign, but I was a bit unlucky. I got the 26 place with the other second, and the two of us passed the campaign again. I lost 25 votes, and he lost 26 votes.

The new years Day party finally began. In the warm applause, the head teacher and the biology teacher first entered the field. But the first show, the biology teacher hurried bye bye, because the girls in our class song &ldquo &rdquo, blockbuster;; voice than anyone, the biology teacher not frightened away.

The party was carried out in a staggered and orderly manner. The program gave me deep impression is Sun Lingfeng and Li Yunhuis comic, two of them usually is the pronoun of humor: Li Yunhui called himself &ldquo shuaige; ”, because he is like a failure; Sun Lingfeng like a little monkey, fooling around all day. The two comic performances, funny, make people laugh, won the teachers and students of the bursts of applause.

I dont know who proposed to let our head teacher sing a song. The head teacher readily agreed. His singing was very sound, and we had heard his wonderful song at the festival of culture and art. But a little regrettable, he always sang the old song, a little bit worse on the pop songs.

Happy time always flies, then three hours later, at this time we have all revel in this happy time. The party ended in the sound of "friends" in the whole class.

Back in the dormitory, we all appear to be particularly energetic, especially happy. Forget it is in the dorm, and crazy jump up, as if drunk. On that day, the hostels temper was very good, and it might have been affected by us.

I remember the happy time at the party.



元旦联欢晚会英语作文1。In January 1st.the new years day finally came.Before the new years day.our classmates arranged the program hard。
姐姐过生日红包祝福短信 有关庆元旦作文1400字四篇 元旦晚会小学作文300字 快乐的元旦作文500字汇编七篇 给同学的温暖生日祝福语 令人期待的元旦晚会作文 关于植树节的作文200字汇总6篇 精选过新年作文400字集合8篇 关于春节作文11篇 元宵节的作文500字集合七篇 元旦的作文700字六篇 植树节作文集锦10篇 正月十五闹元宵作文13篇 朋友圈祝自己生日快乐祝福语 正月十五包汤圆别有趣味叙事作文2篇 三八妇女节的作文300字汇编五篇 18岁生日简短文艺祝福语 快乐妇女节作文9篇 送表妹生日礼物祝福语 庆元旦作文500字汇编十篇 元宵赏花灯作文 一句简单的生日祝福 三八妇女节的作文400字3篇 除夕的作文300字集锦七篇 实用的元宵节的作文500字五篇 给老人过生日儿女祝福寄语 欢庆元旦作文700字9篇 实用的春节的作文400字汇总六篇 祝福老人生日的祝福语简短 结婚的祝福语短句唯美 盼春节作文500字汇编9篇 大学同学生日短信祝福语 精选妇女节的作文300字集锦九篇 快乐的元旦作文400字汇总七篇 快乐的元旦作文300字汇编6篇 伴娘结婚祝福语大全简短 庆元旦迎新年作文13篇 三八妇女节的作文400字汇编9篇 对老师的生日祝福语 实用的植树节的作文100字集合6篇