







新年年夜饭英语作文1。Probably more food is consumed during the New Year celebrations than any other time of the year.Vast amounts of traditional food is prepared for family and friends.as well as those close to us who have died。
导读新年年夜饭英语作文1。Probably more food is consumed during the New Year celebrations than any other time of the year.Vast amounts of traditional food is prepared for family and friends.as well as those close to us who have died。


Probably more food is consumed during the New Year celebrations than any other time of the year. Vast amounts of traditional food is prepared for family and friends, as well as those close to us who have died.

On New Years Day, the Chinese family will eat a vegetarian dish called jai. Although the various ingredients in jai are root vegetables or fibrous vegetables, many people attribute various superstitious aspects to them.

Other foods include a whole fish, to represent togetherness and abundance, and a chicken for prosperity. The chicken must be presented with a head, tail and feet to symbolize completeness. Noodles should be uncut, as they represent long life.

In south China, the favorite and most typical dishes were nian gao, sweet steamed glutinous rice(糯米)pudding and zong zi (glutinous rice wrapped up in reed芦苇 leaves), another popular delicacy.

In the north, steamed-wheat bread and small meat dumplings were the preferred food. The tremendous amount of food prepared at this time was meant to symbolize abundance and wealth for the household.


Today is Chinese New Years Eve, my family had a big family party at home. It was a Chinese tradition that on New Years Eve we make dumplings together and have them around midnight. Firstly, we prepared the pork mince and some vegetables for the dumplings.We also needed plenty of skins to make the dumplings. Some of us were making the dumpling skins, others were mixing the mince and vegetables together. All of us were enjoying the process of making dumplings and chatting with each other. Before midnight, when we heard the sound of New Years Bell, the dumplings were ready for us to eat. It was such a wonderful night!

Our family enjoyed a wonderful New Years evening family dinner because it is seldom to get so many relatives to get together.My uncle,aunt and cousin,my best friend,came and had dinner with us.It took almost whole afternoon to prepare the dishes.Of course,that is a chance to show my mom and my aunts cooking skill.We also try to do something to help them,but,what we got was "going to play".It is happy for me to hear that rather than "go to do your homework".The evening dinner is so good,everyone enjoyed and aet overload to their stomach.So wonderful dinner,so wonderful new year.


We had a wonderful festival. The spring festival is the most festival in our country. On that morning we all got up early to prepare for the festival. Some cleaned the houses, some went to buy some food and drinks and usually parents cooked some food at home. In the evening we had a big dinner . After that we made some dumplings and ate at midnight to welcome the lunar new year. In the meanwhile we watched TV and enjoyed the delicious fruits and drinks. After that the new year had come and parents gave us some lucky money and we greeted each other Happy new year.


China nation has a strong family concept and always have family reunion in some important days. Family Reunion Dinner is an essential custom on New Years Eve. They usually enjoy a big feast this day. And dumpling and fish are must during the Family Reunion Dinner on New Years Eve. Some people will put a coin inside one dumpling. The people who eat this dumpling will be to thought be a lucky guy. The fish could not be eaten out because the fish means extra things by partial tone. And it represents the wish for a prosperous year with abundant and even extra wealth and luck.



新年年夜饭英语作文1。Probably more food is consumed during the New Year celebrations than any other time of the year.Vast amounts of traditional food is prepared for family and friends.as well as those close to us who have died。
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