







1、The Spring Festival is also called Chinese New Year.It is my favorite Chinese festival.This festival is always in February.so I have enough time to celebrate this festival.I will visit my relatives and play with my cousins.On this day.people always bless each other.If I say “Congratulation” or “Be healthy” to the elders.they will give me red packets.At noon.my parents and grandparents usually make spring rolls to eat.In the evening.all my relatives have a special dinner together.Always at 8 o’ clock.almost every family watch the festival get-together.At that time.people usually set off firecrackers.It is interesting.At twelve o’clock.Chinese people like to hear the New Year Jow.I am always happy at the Spring Festival.and a lot of people think what a fine day it is。
导读1、The Spring Festival is also called Chinese New Year.It is my favorite Chinese festival.This festival is always in February.so I have enough time to celebrate this festival.I will visit my relatives and play with my cousins.On this day.people always bless each other.If I say “Congratulation” or “Be healthy” to the elders.they will give me red packets.At noon.my parents and grandparents usually make spring rolls to eat.In the evening.all my relatives have a special dinner together.Always at 8 o’ clock.almost every family watch the festival get-together.At that time.people usually set off firecrackers.It is interesting.At twelve o’clock.Chinese people like to hear the New Year Jow.I am always happy at the Spring Festival.and a lot of people think what a fine day it is。

1、The Spring Festival is also called Chinese New Year. It is my favorite Chinese festival. This festival is always in February, so I have enough time to celebrate this festival. I will visit my relatives and play with my cousins. On this day, people always bless each other. If I say “Congratulation” or “Be healthy” to the elders, they will give me red packets. At noon, my parents and grandparents usually make spring rolls to eat. In the evening, all my relatives have a special dinner together. Always at 8 o’ clock, almost every family watch the festival get-together. At that time, people usually set off firecrackers. It is interesting. At twelve o’clock, Chinese people like to hear the New Year Jow. I am always happy at the Spring Festival, and a lot of people think what a fine day it is!




1、The Spring Festival is also called Chinese New Year.It is my favorite Chinese festival.This festival is always in February.so I have enough time to celebrate this festival.I will visit my relatives and play with my cousins.On this day.people always bless each other.If I say “Congratulation” or “Be healthy” to the elders.they will give me red packets.At noon.my parents and grandparents usually make spring rolls to eat.In the evening.all my relatives have a special dinner together.Always at 8 o’ clock.almost every family watch the festival get-together.At that time.people usually set off firecrackers.It is interesting.At twelve o’clock.Chinese people like to hear the New Year Jow.I am always happy at the Spring Festival.and a lot of people think what a fine day it is。
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