例如在下面这两个句子里,Engineered for survival, insect eggs hang on,and hatch wherever their parents deposit them,昆虫为生存而精心设计的卵,就挂在父母存放它们的地方孵化,Some mother birds may teach their young,to sing even before they hatch,有些鸟妈妈甚至会在小鸟孵化之前就教会它们唱歌,在这两个句子中,hatch指的是孵化,hatch还有一个短语,hatch out,指的是孵出、策划,The condition for having access to this fundamental,demand is to hatch out of the old and traditional shell,of educational system, which is still common in many countries,通往这一基本要求的先决条件是,打破至今仍在许多国家占主要地位的旧的传统的教育制度的限制,hatch这个单词你学会了吗?